Guardian’s Educational and Charitable Trust(GECT) registered under Indian Registration Act as No.65/05 is a irrevocable public educational trust established for educational advancement of the socially and educationally backward people and for their mental and spiritual well being. With a view to attain the above objects, the trust established a school during 2005 under the name and style as Model Public School at Pallipuram, an area in the outskirts of Trivandrum city where many of the students belonging to backward community from Kaniyapuram, Channakara, Kadinamkulam, Perumathura and other coastal area to whom quality education was hitherto denied.
The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education during 2007. The school is imparting education for LKG,UKG,STD 1 to 10, & +2 classes. It has made remarkable progress and emerged as a recognized Higher Secondary School with more than 1100 students. The fee structure of this school is affordable to parents and it is low compared with other CBSE Schools. The School functions as per the provisions of the Trust Deed dated 31.08.2005.
All the Trustees are eminent Social Workers who have selflessly joined together for the formation of the trust for fulfillment of the objects of the trust and they are not entitled for any benefits from out of the trust funds. If surplus is generated, it is being utilizing by the Trust for the creation of infrastructure facilities of the school such as construction of school building, acquisition of school bus, setting up of computer lab and other labs, purchase of school furniture, etc.
Thought the Trust deed provides various other objects along with the object of education, the trust has only undertaken and confined itself within the field of educational activities, by setting up of the above school and working continuously only for the development of the said school so far. The Trust has not spent the Trust Fund for any other objects or activities and intends to continue with educational activities alone.
With Gratitude and Wishes,
GECT President’s